Maurice Durozier
Lecture and exchange of experiences, for more than 4 hours, with one of the most respected and renowned actors in the world.
Actor's Day
Event in commemoration and appreciation of the actor's day. Open to the public, with lectures, training and presentations.
Opening of contact and external exchange for actors, held in parks, reserves and the coast.
Artistic Events
the diving
Theatrical scenes, artistic interventions, music and culture.
• 10 Theatrical Scenes
•Exhibition of a Short Film
•8 Hours of Event
Project management
Lecture on project management with international expert Marcos Rego, shared free of charge by our social networks.
the opening of the eyes
Show live, theatrical scenes, artistic interventions, workshops, and more.
•Four Theatrical Scenes
•Artistic Interventions
• Live music: Banda Trino
Samuel Beckett Lecture
Screening of four short films by Samuel Beckett, lecture and debate about his work, style, impulses and artistic characteristics.
Clacket, Ticket and Show
Show live, theatrical scenes, artistic interventions, workshops, and more.
•Four Theatrical Scenes
•Artistic Interventions
• Live music: Banda Trino
art and poetry
Exchange on the main aspects of poetic creation in relation to theater and other arts. At the end, recording audiovisual material.
Hundreds of Participants
All participants from our selections received free workshops lasting more than 6 hours each.
We also held three other open and free workshops.
We accompany and participate in lectures, meetings and conferences involving art and theater such as the "Third International Conference on Architecture, Theater and Cult".
And 6 more original songs, dozens of scenes, we are part of a collective with more than 15 organizations such as Faculdade Facha, Escola Angel Viana, Casa Rio, among others. We are co-creators of cultural occupations like botafogo vivo. And more!
member professionals and partners Theater of the Sea
Em sua formação dentre os profissionais estrangeiros estão os artÃstas do Theatre du Soleil, Duccio Bellugi, Eve Doe bruce, Juliana Carneiro da Cunha, Maurice Durozier, o grupo teatral Escola da Noite de Portugal, Kathakali com Laurène Petit da França, Sanford Meisner com Steven Ditmyer de Nova York, Hamilton de Oliveira- Actors Studios de Nova York/BR, Rasabox com Michele Minnick – NYU- Nova York. No brasil detêm formação bacharel em artes cênicas pela casa das artes de laranjeiras, CAL.
Ator, trabalhou com o grupo Armazém do Rio de Janeiro por mais de 12 anos. Participou de memoráveis montagens como "Antes da coisa toda começar" e "Marca d'agua". Dentre outras peças, premiadas com: Melhores Espetáculos de 2008 – O Globo Prêmio Shell 2008 Prêmio APTR 2008 Melhores Espetáculos de 2012 - O Globo Fringe First Award 2013 / Edinburgh Coup de Coeur 2014 / Avignon, pelo Club de la Presse D'Avignon - aos 3 melhores espetáculos do Festival Fringe First Award 2014/Edinburgh
Doutora, bacharel e licenciada em teatro é também diretora, dramaturga e pesquisadora. Concluiu mestrado em Teatro pela University of London. É criadora e diretora do 'Studio Stanislavski', e também criou e fundou o 'Instituto do Ator'. É especialista nos conceitos de ação fÃsica e memória fÃsica de Constantin Stanislavski e Jerzy Grotowski. Professora da Casa das Artes de Laranjeiras- CAL a mais de 20 anos, é reconhecida como Mestra de grandes atores da cena teatral Brasileira.
Especialista em audiovisual e mestre em Ciência da Arte, atua em mais de 6 instituições de ensino, desenvolve projetos de expansão e desenvolvimento do mercado audiovisual pela FIRJAN. Também poeta, escritor, pesquisador de linguagens, arte e tecnologia. Criador do ‘Cinema de Poesia’, desenvolve a integração de linguagens da literatura, teatro, dança, pintura, cinema e esculturas. Se une ao teatro do Mar trazendo sua concepção de mÃdia e vÃdeo.
Especialista em captação de recurso, leis de incentivo e negociação com patrocinadores em potencial. Com vasta carreira em Marketing Cultural é um autor publicado com diversos livros e manuais técnicos na área. Integra o planejamento e projeto do Teatro do Mar.
É coordenador Acadêmico do MBA de Gerenciamento de Projetos da IAG/PUC-Rio. Professor do mestrado executivo em Gestão da faculdade FGV, é especialista em Gestão de projetos, tendo assinado artigos em diversas revistas cientificas brasileiras e internacionais. Se junta ao Teatro do Mar para auxiliar na gestão, análise e acompanhamento do Núcleo.
É advogada há mais de vinte anos, inscrita na OAB/RJ sob o numero 89.248, atua de forma autônoma especializada na área Trabalhista. Atuou como professora do ensino superior de direito tributário na faculdade Estácio de Sá e vem trabalhando de forma continuada junto a outras grandes corporações. Se une ao Teatro do Mar no acompanhamento jurÃdico e legal.
Supports and Partners
Teatro do Mar has as its principle and essence, in his conception, the belief in the actor's work as a solid foundation for the existence of theater. The maxim that resides in the actor, the basis and center of theatrical performance, moves and inspires us.
The desire for achievement, therefore, moves towards the encounter, the presence of the other in the construction, in courage, and in pleasure, in theatrical work, in the research of scene and language.
In times of hopelessness, some find their way in competition and confrontation. We believe in the opposite, in cooperation and dialogue, in sincere work on and off stage, in the power of synergy that performing theatrical provides.
Thus, we follow some scenic choices that provide the potency and poetics on which we base our work.
Opening up the possibility of research for the selection of artists who share the same goals, without financial cost for participation
We develop high-intensity physical language as a search process, as the center of the actor's research, developing the state of consciousness, control, and creative precision of the creative artist. We don't want to muffle the noise of bodies, we want to maximize them.
Feeding the imagination like muscle, nourishing the unconscious, fundamental in the construction of playful artistic language, on top of rummaging through unrealistic images.
Therefore, we united artists willing to embrace this mission, of love for art and theater, in order to establish together a new path in the relationship between art and the public, in the creation of bridges that enable a new artistic vision.
We look forward to meeting you and to be part of this journey together.
See you soon!
01 No open schedule confirmed.
Any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
'We need more poetry.
When everything in the world seems meaningless, fake and cruel. may art save us.
May the last moment of previous self-censorship not find us... Courage.
And fly...!'
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